Sunday, May 20, 2012

Slowely Losing humanity

Jack calls a meeting, insults Ralph, and asks for Ralph to no longer be chief. Nobody else agrees. Jack, embarrassed, leaves the tribe and goes into the forest. The assembly continues. Simon suggests they go up the mountain. Piggy suggests they build the fire on the beach since the beast is on the mountain. The boys gather wood. The littluns sing and dance. Roger, Bill, Maurice, and other biguns escape into the woods, following Jack. Simon has also disappeared into his secret spot. The hunters track down a pig and kill it. They chop off its head and offer it to the beast as a sacrifice. Flies swarm. This is where the name Lord of the Flies comes from. The hunters race back to the beach to steal fire. Simon arrives at the pig's head after the hunters have left. He imagines the pig's head is speaking to him. The pig's head tells Simon he can't escape. Jack's hunters raid Ralph's camp for fire and invite the others. Everyone is losing it. A pig head talking to Simon? Everyone has officially gone crazy. With all the boys losing their humanity someone is going to die soon then it will start a killing spree.
very creepy video but it sums up whats been happening

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